Ph.D., Master in Architectural and Urban Studies
Founder of WeakCircus
Founder of O-n_ Experiments in Weakness Theory
Co-Founder and Director of B.L.U.E. Building Landscape Urbanism



“Elisa Cattaneo is within the limited group of international architects able to face the crisis of the contemporary design as anopportunity for epistemological reflection, investigating the intricacies of philosophy, art and science far beyond a simpledisciplinary malaise. This is therefore difficult but precious work, because it can dissolve those academic constraints that blocknot only the project as a cognitive and operational practice, but also in a broader sense limit the knowledge of the twenty-firstcentury itself. Without fear of going back to the roots of the most remote theories of the avant-garde nor to the most advancedprojections of today, Elisa Cattaneo reconstructs a scenario of knowledge capable of highlighting those nodes that under thedefinition of "weak thought" hide those nuclei of a "strong thought" adapted to unlock the knowledge of the present world andits complex and unexplored potentialities.”

A. Branzi, 2015, Weakcity

Elisa Cristiana Cattaneo research experimental ecological design and its theoretical implications. In particular, considering the design as a “weak” field evolvable and renewable through new transdisciplinary approaches (Weakcity, 2015; On, 2012-2017).

Her aim is to define a new temporary imagery able to respond to the asymmetries of contemporaneity as positive and distinctive assumptions of the present day and constituting incidents in the new interpretation of design in its broad definition.

Accordingly, the strategies and the priorities seek to respond to the requests of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to the consequent Paris Agreement on Climate change, the Glasgow COP 26, compares itself with the Urban Agendas, which establishes the priority to act according to environmental sustainability standards. Design strategies are therefore framed in a vision of global responsibility that bring design field into the new global experiments for sustainable production.

In 2015 she is selected and invited candidate for the Wheelwright Prize, award of the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, the research grant that is awarded annually to early-career architects who have demonstrated exceptional design talent, produced work of scholarly and professional merit, and who show promise for continued creative work inside the international panorama of Design.

She was Graham Foundation Grant Recipient in 2014.

In 2019 she is selected and invited candidate for the America Academy in Rome.

In 2004, after a degree cum laude in Architecture and Urban Planning, she attended the Third Level European master's in strategic planning for the Architectural, Urban and Environmental Resources. In 2009, she completed a PhD with Merit in Architectural and Urban Design, defending the thesis Void Density: A Relational Approach for Urban Design.

In 2010, she was Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developing the research project: Space, Place, Context, Landscape: The Hermeneutical Circle US-Europe since 1956.

In 2011-2012, she was Visiting Scholar at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, developing the research project: WeakCity: Notes on Landscape Urbanism.

In 2015, She was co-curator of the session Landscape and Urban Planning at the Symposium Milano Capitale del Moderno, Padiglione Architettura, for Triennale di Milano with Expo Bellearti, Grattacielo Pirelli, Milan.

She was co-founder and co-director of B.L.U.E., international platform of research on landscape as new strategy for contemporary cities.

She is co-founder with R. Ingersoll of Terraviva and Earth Service program for ecological and agricultural developing in Urban contexts.

Since 2002, she has been the principal of her firm, active in public projects and international competitions.

She is invited participants at main Biennals of Architecture and Landscape (Venice, Tallin, Santiago).

She is the curator of main academic course and conferences on the experimental role of Nature in design (Technonature, 2012; LandscapeLandscape in Art and Science, 2016; Nature through the Mirror, 2014-2015; Soundscapes, 2016-2017).



Doctor of Philosophy with Merit in Architectural and Urban Design
Grade: Ph.D. with Merit
           First classified, full founded scholarship
Thesis: Void Density. A Relational Approach for Urban Design
Politecnico di Milano


Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Studies
Grade: 100/100 cum laude
Thesis: Architectural and Urban Matrixes: Re-signifying Santa Corona in Vicenza Supervisor: prof. Sergio Crotti
Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Architecture

2018_ Italian Certification for Associate tenured Professor, 5/5 positive evaluations
(2018_Abilitazione scientifica nazionale)

Postgraduate Academic Titles


Visiting Scholar (Post Ph.D. Position)
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Dept. of Landscape Architecture
Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
Project: Weak City: Notes on Landscape Urbanism
Sponsor: Charles Waldheim
Professor and Chair, Dept. of Landscape Architecture
(Published Research, WeakCity. Notes on Landscape Urbanism, List, Barcelona-NY, 2015)


Visiting Scholar (Post Ph.D. Position)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Dept. of History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Art
Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
Project: Space, Place, Context, Landscape. The Hermeneutical Circle between Europe and US since 1956
Sponsor: Marc Jarzombek - Professor of the History and Theory of Architecture
               Associated Dean of School of Architecture and Planning
(Published Research, Loaded Void. City Theories since 1956, Maggioli, Milan; 2013 First Edition, 2015 Second Edition)


Research Fellow, ‘Dote Ricercatori’
Project: Density of voids. Landscape and urban transformations
Lombardy Region, Italy
Politecnico di Milano
Vertemate con Minoprio Park Foundation


Attendance in CasaClima course for Energy and Ecologic Building Design
Bolzano, Italy


II Level European Master (Ph.D. equivalent) in Strategic Planning for Architectonic, Urban and Environmental Resources
Politecnico di Milano
Grade: 110/110
Thesis: The Infrastructure of the Brembo’s Park River: Valorization of Environmental and CulturalContents


Attendance in Landscape Design Course
ABACUS English Garden and Landscape
Bath, UK

As Adjunct Professor


Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Landscape and Interaction design
Master course in Urban Vision and Architectural design
Domus Academy, Milan
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Landscape and Interior - Spatial Design
Master course in Interior and Spatial Design
Politecnico di Milano, School of Design
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Ephemeral/Temporary Design
Course: Interdisciplinary Workshop - Teambuilding Studio
Master course in Interior and Spatial Design
Politecnico di Milano, School of Design
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape and Interior - Spatial Design
Course: Interdisciplinary Workshop - Teambuilding Studio
Master course in Interior and Spatial Design
Politecnico di Milano, School of Design
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in New Interiors
Course: Interdisciplinary Workshop - Teambuilding Studio
Master course in Interior and Spatial Design
Politecnico di Milano, School of Design
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Architecture
Course: Architectural and Urban Space Studio IV
Master course in Architecture, Construction and City
Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Architecture and Design (DAD)


Adjunct Professor in Landscape ArchitectureCourse: Architectural and Urban Space Studio IV
Master course in Architecture, Construction and City
Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Architecture and Design (DAD)
Topic: Islands of Venice: Climate change/Small landscape (Pellestrina case study)


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Architecture
Course: Architectural and Urban Space Studio IV
Master course in Architecture, Construction and City
Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Architecture and Design (DAD)
Topic: Strategies for small touristic places in Italy


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Architecture
Course: Architectural and Urban Space Studio IV
Master course in Architecture, Construction and City
Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Architecture and Design (DAD)
Topic: A new touristic strategy for Mestre, Italy


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Urban Design Studio II (Master course)
International Master Course in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering
Topic: (In)Stability. Fragile landscape in Italy
Language: English


Visiting Professor in History and theory of Architecture
Master in Urban Vision & Architectural Design
Domus Academy, Milan
Topic: Space, place, context, landscape
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Urban Design Studio I (Master course)
International Master Course in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering
Topic: A multifunctional building in Amsterdam. Living with water
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Urban Design Studio II (Master course)
International Master Course in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering
Topic: Soundscape (Published Research, Sensorial Landscape: Urban Patterns of Natural Sounds, Maggioli, Milan, 2017)
(Final results exhibited at the Chilean Biennal of Architecture, 2017/18 - Merit Mentions for the Academia Prize; Tallin Biennal of Architecture, 2017)
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Architectural Design
Course: Architectural Design Studio III
Bachelor course in Architectural Design
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering
Topic: Nature Spectacle! Natural Systems as Urban Architecture


Adjunct Professor in Architectural Design
Course: Architectural Design Studio IV
Master Course in Architecture
Università degli studi di Genova, Faculty of Architecture
Topic: B.L.U. Weak Strategies for the South of the Mediterranean Sea


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Architectural Design Studio II
International Master Course in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering
Topic: Technonature. Nature through Mirror
(Published Research, Nature Through the Mirror. Technonatural Experiments, Maggioli, Milan, 2016)
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Urban Design Studio II (Master course)
International Master Course in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Faculty of Architecture
Topic: European Capitals of Culture 2018: Leeuwarden (NL) and Valetta (Malta). Comparative research - design studio
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Landscape Design
Course: Urban Design Studio II (Master course)
International Master Course in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Faculty of Architecture
Topic: DNA (De Nieuwe Afsluitdijk - New Enclosure Dam) between Holland and Fryslân
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Architectural Regeneration of the Open Spaces
Course: Urban Design Studio II (Master course)
International Master Course in Sustainable Architecture of Multi-Scale ProjectsPolitecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Faculty of Architecture
Topic: Piacenza Thresholds
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Elements of Architecture
International Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Faculty of Architecture
Language: English


Adjunct Professor in Urban Planning and Infrastructure, in Urban Design Studio III
International Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Faculty of ArchitectureTopic: Barcelona. Urban Design Strategies
Language: English

Awards - Research Fellowships


Invited/Selected applicant for American Academy in Rome
American Academy in Rome
Rome, Italy


Finalist and Merit Mention: Academia Prize
XX Biennal of Architecture - Chile - "Diaologos Impostergable"
Project: “WeakCity-Weak Experiments. 100 Experiments, 1000 places"
Session: Dialogos Impostergables sobre la Vulnerabilidad
Curator: Felipe Vera Benitez
Valparaiso, Chile
(Published research in: A.A.V.V., "Dialogos Impostergables. Identitad y futuro", Metales Pesados Edition, 2017, pp 471-472; ISBN: 978-956-9843-47-1)

June 5-10

Winner of Application: Lecturer and didactic supervisor
International Workshop Polimi – NCUT - Milano San Cristoforo Anew
Organization and Coordination: Luca Maria Fabris, Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering


Winner of the application for Scientific Curator of the International Symposium LandscapeAims & Tools
Project: Future Landscape
Sponsor: Politecnico di Milano, Regione Lombardia
Organization: DAStU with Luisa Pedrazzini and DG Ambiente, Regione Lombardia
Curators: Antonio Longo, Alessandro Rocca, Elisa C. Cattaneo, Ph.D. Cristiana Mattioli
European Experiences in Landscape Design and Urbanism Session: Alessandro Rocca, Elisa C. Cattaneo
Speakers: Martí Franch Batllori (RMIT Melbourne), Nicholas Gilsoul (Ecole d’Architecture Paris e l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles), Steffen Nijhuis (Team Leader of the Landscape Architecture Research Program, Delft University of Technology), Liam Mouritz (Architectural Association, London)


Invited/Selected applicant for Wheelwright Prize
Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
Award of the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, the research grant that is awarded annually to early-career architects who have demonstrated exceptional design talent, produced work of scholarly and professional merit, and who show promise for continued creative work inside the international panorama of Design.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Us


Graham Foundation Grant for Individuals
with Andrea Branzi
Project’s Title: Territories for a New Urban Dramaturgy(Published Research: Emc2. The project in the Age of Relativity, Actar, Barcelona-Ny, 2019; Italian and English distinguished Editions)


Scientific Prize as Research Fellow, ‘Dote Ricercatori’
Regione Lombardia, Politecnico di Milano, Vertemate con Minoprio Park Foundation
Project: Density of voids. Landscape rules on urban transformations


Merit Mention - Ph.D.
Thesis: The Desnity of the Void
Supervisor: Ilaria Valente
Politecnico di Milano


Ph.D. Fellow in Architectural and Urban Design
First Classified, fully funded scholarship in Architectural and Urban Planning
Politecnico di Milano


Bachelor thesis selected in "Best International Bachelor Thesis.”
Thesis’ title: Architectural and Urban Matrixes: Re-signifying Santa Corona in Vicenza
Bogotá, Colombia



Expert in Quality Check of Architecture and Landscape Committee
Parco Adda Nord, Trezzo sull’Adda, Italy


Expert in Quality Check of Architectural and Landscape Committee
Municipality of Sovere, Bergamo, Italy

2003 Feb

Professional Qualification

As Jury/Scientific Committee


Member Scientific Committee for the Urban Center
Municipality of Prato, Center for the Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci
Prato, Italy


Jury Member International competition - Tactical Urbanism now!
Jury: Stefano Boeri Architetti, Esrawe Studio, Gravalos di Monte, Rural Studio, Ecol Studio, Babau Boureau
Organization: Terraviva


Jury Member International competition “Limitography - Call for Architectural Drawings”
Jury: Beniamino Servino, Carlo Prati, Davide Trabucco, Edoardo Tresoldi, Fabrizio Sclocco, Fabio Alessandro
Fusco, Giulia Ricci, Iris Lacoundre, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
Organization: Library Illustrazioni


Curator, Ideator - International Competition “Sprouting minds. Open call for the renewal of Isola Pepe Verde’s playground in Milan”
Jury: Yona Friedman, Mariette Schiltz (President), Elisa C. Cattaneo (Vice-president), Marco Casagrande, Lorenzo Degli Esposti, Matteo Ghidoni, Hou Hanru, Ugo La Pietra, Andrea Masu, Thomas Saraceno
Milan, Italy


Jury Member "Global Survey of Architecture Books”
Storefront for Art and Architecture (NY), New York Library
Jury: Beatriz Colomina, Liz Diller, Kenneth Frampton, Steven Holl, Daniel Libeskind, Joan Ockman, Spyros Papapetros, Anthony Vidler and others
"This selects group includes academics, practitioners, and scholars from around the world who will unveil volumes from various cultural contexts, contributing to a broader and more comprehensive understanding of contemporary modes of knowledge production.”

01 Jan-10 Feb

Jury XVI Biennal of Architecutre, Venice - Montenegro Pavillon“Emerging Resilience”
Competition: "Concept and the Content of Montenegrin Exhibition at the 16th Architecture Biennal in Venice "Commissioner: Dušan Vuksanović, Ph.D., arch.eng. (Chief State Architect)
Curator: Sonja Radović Jelovac (Ph.D., arch.eng)
Jury: Sonja Radović Jelovac (Curator, Montenegro Pavillon), Dušan Vuksanović (Commissioner, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, member, Montenegro); Dragana Čenić (Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, member, Montenegro), Svetislav Popovic (Faculty of Architecture, University of Montenegro, member, Montenegro), Petar Ćuković (Art Historian, member, Montenegro), Ana Dana Beroš (Independent architect, member, Croazia), Elisa Cattaneo (Politecnico di Milano, memeber, Italy), Branko Pavić (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, member, Serbia), Mosè Ricci (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy) - Ministry of Sustainable Development and Transportation

CO-EDITOR with Sonja Radovic Jelovac of the Catalog “Emerging Resilience. Reimagining voids through sharing values”
XVI International Biennale of Architecture - National Participation - Montenegro - ISBN: 978-9940 - 520 - 22 - 9, Cetinje.


Jury Member/Scientific Board International Competition “INVENTO Award. Wind Turbine Integration Project"
Curator: Mosè Ricci (Università degli Studi di Trento)
Sponsor: TUrbWind 2017 board, Università degli Studi di Trento - Riva del Garda Fieraecongressi;


SEE: Ecologias Emergentes. International Ideas Competitions
Organization: Santiago del Chile Municipality
Jury Committee:
Solano Benítez (PARAGUAY) Socio Fundador Gabinete de Arquitectura
Elisa Cattaneo (ITALIA) Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Jean Pierre Crousse (PERÚ) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Andreas Hofer (AUSTRIA) Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Mathilde Marengo (ESPAÑA) IAAC, España
Rahul Mehrotra (INDIA) Harvard Graduate School of Design, RMA Architects
Alfredo Ramirez (UK) AA Architectural Association-Landscape Urbanism
Mosè Ricci (ITALIA) Universidad de Trento
Jörg Schröder (ALEMANIA) LUH Hannover
Stefania Staniscia (US) West Virginia University
Belinda Tato y José Luis Vallejo (ESPANA) Socios Fundadores de Ecosistema Urbano
Charles Waldheim, Harvard University, (USA)


Elisa C. Cattaneo








Curriculum Vitae